The 3rd Sunday of Lent focuses on the cleansing of the Temple. Since St. Paul compared the temple to our body, it is sacred because it is the house of God and the “temple of the Holy Spirit.” Jesus is teaching us that anger, when directed to evil rather than to the person, is righteous: “Be angry but do not sin.”
Jesus compares his body to the temple; that is why he said: “Destroy this temple and I will raise it up in three days.” He, with his body, will be put to death by crucifixion but he will be raised to life on the third day. We too, are invited to keep our bodies sacred because they are destined to be raised to life in union with our Risen Lord.
The cleansing of the Temple is an invitation for us to “cleanse” ourselves from sin and to keep our bodies pure and holy before God and men. It is also an invitation for us to give witness to proper worship through our total self-offering to God.
(Fr. Rolo Alcasid, SDB)